++++++++mah br0ke unix guide+++++++++++ ____________ Contents ______ 1-What you need to get started 2-a few commands 3-stuff to do 1 To get started with unix, you need a telnet application such as Better Telnet, and a server that you have an account at. You proboly have one with your isp . Try to open a connection your isp's domain name . It should bring up something like this: Sun OS 5.6 login: Type the login you use to connect to your isp, and the password. Sun OS 5.6 login: The Mentor password: Nothing will appear when you type your password. It is a simple, effective security measure for people who happen to be looking over your shoulder. They won't know the length of it. Then, it will probobly say you have mail, and bring up a command prompt: You Have Mail. $ Some servers use something called "e-z-shell" . That will bring up a menu that you use numbers or letters to navigate with. Look for the number/letter that says "Unix System" or "quit to system". Something like that. 2 Now that you're on, you need to know some commands. _________________________________________ mkdir-make a directory mkdir -- _________________________________________ passwd-allows you to change the password for an account. passwd _________________________________________ mail-enter the mail system _________________________________________ pwd-shows what directory you are in. _________________________________________ cd-change directory cd /usr/bin _________________________________________ cat-shows on screen of what is contained in a file. cat /etc/passwd would list the "passwd" file. _________________________________________ su-change accounts. You will be prompted by a password after you type the account you want to change to. su _________________________________________ rm-remove a directory rm user _________________________________________ who-lists users on the system _________________________________________ who am i-lists info about you _________________________________________ 3-misc. info-things to do _________________________________________ A good place to start out is taking the "passwd" file out of the "/etc" directory. The first entry should look something like this: root:x:0:1:operator:/:/bin/sh That means he is a super user. Anyone with a "0" in the first slot is a super user. The "1" is what group they are in. The "operator" is a comment . The home directory is is the root . If you are lucky you will see an account like this: superuserx::0:1:/bin:/bin/sh That is an unpassworded super user account. You can tell it's unpassworded, because in the encrypted password slot there is nothing. _________________________________________ using the * You can manipulate all files that start with what you type in: rm The_Leftist* that would remove all files like The_Leftist1, The_Leftist.3, etc. that are in the same directory . _________________________________________ This was just a basic outline of the system. If you really want to learn about it, buy a book. Also, if you do manage to get a good account, don't do something stupid like delete all their files. Dont think you have to "leave your mark" or whatever...